Close Friends


"Close Friends" with Adelaide Mati: Five questions exploring the artist's journey, influences, and creative process.

In this interview, we delve into the world of ADELAIDE MATI, who share her inspirations and unique perspectives.

Adelaide Mati Casawi Magazine Close Friends Interview
Adelaide Mati

1. Introduce Yourself to the Casawi Community: What drives you? What's your artistic vision, and what sets you apart from the crowd?

My name is Adelaide Mati, and I’m a petite model with a strong passion for the modeling industry. What drives me is the desire to break traditional beauty standards and promote a more inclusive fashion world. Petite women, like myself, represent a significant portion of the population, yet we’re often underrepresented. My artistic vision revolves around showcasing that beauty and confidence come in all sizes. What sets me apart is my commitment to creating, in my own small way, opportunities for petite models through social projects and advocacy. I want to inspire others to feel beautiful and celebrated, no matter their height.

2. City Inspirations: How has your city influenced your artistic path? Share how its streets, culture, and energy have molded your work.

My artistic path has been deeply influenced by the cities I’ve lived and worked in. Milan’s high fashion scene exposed me to the elegance and tradition of European fashion, while Amsterdam’s vibrant, multicultural energy pushed me to experiment with more inclusive and diverse representations. Both cities fueled my passion for social change. Now, Tokyo has offered me an exciting new artistic world, where I find the contrast between tradition and modernity inspiring. Its avant-garde fashion scene and appreciation for uniqueness have emboldened me to continue pushing boundaries.

3. Creative Process: What fuels your creativity? Whether it's a ritual, a muse, or a moment of clarity, we're keen to learn.

A key part of my process is looking at fashion from a psychological perspective: how clothing makes people feel and how it represents their identities. I often reflect on the disconnect between how clothes look on mannequins or standard models and how they fit real bodies. Many people buy clothes every day that look perfect on a model or a mannequin but feel uncomfortable or disappointing once worn. This experience shapes my creative approach. Psychologically, we are drawn to clothes that make us feel seen and enhance the unique features of our own bodies. That’s why my work focuses on promoting fashion design that embraces body diversity. I believe that when fashion caters to all body types, it not only empowers people but also boosts brand loyalty and sales by meeting the expectations of a wider audience.

4. City Lifestyle and Art: How the places you lived influenced your career and work?

Working in cities like Milan and living in cities like Amsterdam and Tokyo has profoundly shaped my career. Milan gave me the foundation in the world of fashion, but it was also a place where I discovered the rejection towards petite models for not fitting the traditional mold. That rejection became a catalyst for my projects. Amsterdam, with its open-minded approach to change and strong culture of inclusion, helped me build a network of creatives who shared my vision. Now, in Tokyo, I’m experiencing a new level of acceptance and diversity, which is helping me grow both professionally and personally.

5. Latest or Upcoming Projects: Give us a glimpse into your current endeavors and what lies ahead on your creative journey.

Recently, I started an exciting new chapter in Tokyo, where I was offered an opportunity for which I am grateful. This has been a major step forward in my career and has shown me that more inclusive environments do exist. Tokyo’s fashion scene has welcomed me as a petite model, and I’m continuing my work to promote visibility and inclusion. The industry here is more open and diverse, which gives me hope that things will continue to evolve positively. In May , I created the first online casting exclusively for petite models in Italy with the support of two brands, which was met with great success. I’m also expanding my inclusion projects to highlight the need for more diverse body representation in fashion. A significant portion of the global population is petite, yet many brands continue to cater only to standardized body types. My goal is to convey these messages daily and celebrate all body shapes. Every body, whether tall or short, deserves to feel represented. These projects are just the beginning. I’m determined to continue advocating for a future where everyone, regardless of height or size, feels beautiful in what they wear. Fashion can and should reflect the diversity of the real world, and I would be glad to be part of this change.

Adelaide Mati Casawi Magazine Close Friends Interview
Adelaide Mati
Adelaide Mati Casawi Magazine Close Friends Interview
Adelaide Mati
Casawi Magazine Close Friends Interview
Adelaide Mati
Adelaide Mati Casawi Magazine Close Friends Interview
Adelaide Mati

Instagram: @adelaidemati



Casawi Magazine: based in Milan, we celebrate youth culture, creativity, and community across fashion, sports, music, art, design & more.
