Close Friends


"Close Friends" with Allegra Francesconi: Five questions exploring the artist's journey, influences, and creative process.

In this interview, we delve into the world of Allegra Francesconi, who share her inspirations and unique perspectives.

courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi

1. Introduce Yourself to the Casawi Community: What drives you? What's your artistic vision, and what sets you apart from the crowd?

Hi Casawi, my name is Allegra and I’m a stylist Milan based. I can tell that I’m
mostly driven by the need to connect and listen to my deepest self. I like to think of my personal and artistic vision as a canvas on which I pin all the inspiration I get from the outer world time per time. I often surprise myself observing people, it’s sometimes by hanging out by myself that I find the crowd to function for me as a big source of inspiration, and I like to collect pieces from that that I strongly believe shape my taste time per time.

2. City Inspirations: How has your city influenced your artistic path? Share how its streets, culture, and energy have molded your work.

The energies I come in contact with from living the city during day and night represent for me a fundamental source of inspiration, and I love to spot the styles of who I come across also on a mundane day. I’ve also always enjoied observing the differences that occur from generation to generation in our society, what were the directions of taste then, and what are those now, and it’s for me very exciting to witness new subcultures costantly generating themselves in the urban panorama.

3. Creative Process: What fuels your creativity? Whether it's a ritual, a muse, or a moment of clarity, we're keen to learn.

I feel totally recharged once I get the possibility to travel to any place I feel drawn to, whether it offers me a reality I find similar to mine or not really. I’m highly inspired by different cultures and habits of people who don’t live my daily reality, and it’s for me the best when I get to experience this by linking with locals. I live every new exploration almost as a rebirth which allows me to collect always new vibrant memories to my path, and I consider this as the highest benefit ever for my creative journey.

4. City Lifestyle and Art: How the places you lived influenced your career and work?

Spending my childhood and my teenage years on the Italian Adriatic Coast taught me the benefits of taking life slowly and enjoying the most from your background and the place you live in, but especially during my high school years I have felt really often the need to realize somewhere else what I was planning to do in the future: it’s what I think it’s likely to happen when you like researching about topics such as fashion, art and foreign cultures. When I moved to Milan in 2022 I was immediately enchanted by the diversity of the heritages I came in contact with, and all of the different synergies that could co-exist in just one city.

5. Latest or Upcoming Projects: Give us a glimpse into your current endeavors and what lies ahead on your creative journey.

I recently released my first fanzine, “Manchmal”, which is the product of a serie of projects I shoot for the majority during this winter. It’s a dear project to me, because also talks about people who have been close to me for its realization. It also includes the artworks of artist Cy Twombly, whose work communicates with me on a high level. For what’s forward, I’d like to enhance my creative journey and self as much as possible, visiting any place inspires me and learning as much as possible from anyone who has experiences to be shared. This is something I want to wish myself and any creative who’s down for discovering themselves day by day.

courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi
courtesy of Allegra Francesconi


Instagram: @allegrafrn



Casawi Magazine: based in Milan, we celebrate youth culture, creativity, and community across fashion, sports, music, art, design & more.
