China is cracking down on social media influencers who flaunt their wealth, leading to the disappearance of content and accounts.


China is cracking down on social media influencers who flaunt their wealth, leading to the disappearance of content and accounts. Since 2016, the Chinese government and the most popular social platforms—such as Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu—have initiated a content control operation aimed at “cleansing the internet’s cultural environment.” This campaign has recently taken an especially severe turn.

Over the past month, according to the sites themselves, thousands of posts and hundreds of profiles deemed “undesirable” for “displaying wealth and glorifying money” have been removed.

Luxury cars and opulent real estate, as well as anything that simply exhibits lavishness and the freedom that comes with being wealthy, are considered disruptive to state stability as they hinder the creation of a “civil, healthy, and harmonious” digital environment and the vision of “shared prosperity” for all citizens.

Among the profiles removed from the platforms are those of three of the most followed influencers: Wang Hong Quan Xin, Baoyu Jiajie, and Bo Gongzi.

They were found at fault for showcasing a lifestyle deemed out of touch with reality, featuring Hermès bag collections and jewelry, exclusive events with celebrities, and travel.



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