Social media is everywhere now. Generation Z is always chasing a chimera: others' approval.


Brought up with smartphones in hand, these young people are bombarded with the illusion of seemingly perfect lives, bolstered by a deluge of likes and flattering comments. But at what price does this constant search for external validation come?

The like obsession from an early age, GenZers are exposed to heavily curated and filtered social content. The lives of influencers seem like a fairytale, punctuated by exotic holidays and impeccable looks. Unconsciously, the perception that ‘more likes equals more value’ creeps into their thoughts. Virtual approval becomes the needle in the balance to measure one's success.

The image trap is a spiral of social acceptance. Many GenZers end up changing themselves - their bodies and characters - to fit certain looks or personalities. Photo retouching becomes the norm, studied poses the rule. Authenticity fades, replaced by an idealised version of oneself created to gain more online acclaim.This addiction to likes and flattering comments is a vicious cycle. It can devastate self-esteem. When self-love depends on the virtual judgement of others, even one underperforming post can unleash a whirlwind of doubt and insecurity.

Olivia Rodrigo for Vogue Singapore
Olivia Rodrigo for Vogue Singapore

Am I not enough?’ becomes the distressing recurring question. The tyranny of comparison social media also offers a fertile ground for constant comparison with the seemingly perfect lives of others. A phenomenon that can fuel feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Why isn't my life so extraordinary?’ becomes the mental mantra of too many GenZers. The path to self-acceptance yet, between the folds of this addiction to virtual approval, there is a subtle but insistent voice calling for authenticity and self-acceptance.

Some brave voices in GenZ are embracing being oneself, without filters or superstructures. A movement of authenticity that could revolutionise the relationship between this generation and social media.

For GenZ, approval has become a powerful but dangerous drug. Breaking free from this addiction and embracing unconditional self-esteem could be the greatest challenge, but also the most rewarding, for these digital natives. Only then can they free themselves from the tyranny of ‘likes’ and rediscover the intrinsic value of being authentically themselves.



Casawi Magazine: based in Milan, we celebrate youth culture, creativity, and community across fashion, sports, music, art, design & more.
