Close Friends


"Close Friends" with Manueltime: Five questions exploring the artist's journey, influences, and creative process.

In this interview, we delve into the world of MANUELTIME, who share his inspirations and unique perspectives.


1. Introduce Yourself to the Casawi Community: What drives you? What's your artistic vision, and what sets you apart from the crowd?

My vision is constantly changing, everyday I see something new that I like, everyday I hate something that i used to love. Like a song that I used to love playing in the club and from scratch I decided to stop doing it.

I just dont believe in borders, in labels, or genres, in particular with music, I just split things in good and bad.

I think everyday I understand a bit better how the universe work, how planets move around.

2. City Inspirations: How has your city influenced your artistic path? Share how its streets, culture, and energy have molded your work.

Coming from south Italy, I took my time b4 reaching the city. I saw staying in my city like a gym, till the day I was ready to move to Milan. Here you can stay in the same room with people who reached their goals, and for me, this is very motivating.

After all, I'm really happy to live in a neighborhood full of graffiti.

3. Creative Process: What fuels your creativity? Whether it's a ritual, a muse, or a moment of clarity, we're keen to learn.

When I was young, 13-14 more or less, I saw an alien and he told me what to do. That was deadass. It was real. I won't go into too much detail because I'm not sure if they want me to talk about this right now. The aliens, I mean. I will say one thing though - they are really tall - and looked almost human.

I remember everything on the night that it transpired, second for second. I can tell the difference between a dream and reality, and I know I was awake.

4. City Lifestyle and Art: How the places you lived influenced your career and work?

Doubtless staying in Milan keep you in touch with a lot of creatives coming from all over the place. Sharing visions, debating about it, learning new scam, definitely will get you affected by it. Like with my friend Pablo Lavey, together we made all my covers and my t shirts designs: He’s really a dope.

When we meet, we just lay on the sofa, trying to make some music and fantasizing about analog synths we will never buy. He's just a bit of a lazy ass.

5. Latest or Upcoming Projects: Give us a glimpse into your current endeavors and what lies ahead on your creative journey.

I dropped a lot of music this year, but I have 4 albums completed in my hard disk, so I think I will keep doing it.

In the end, music is just 5% of the things you can do, I just wanna impact the world in a bigger way.



Instagram: @manueltime




Casawi Magazine: based in Milan, we celebrate youth culture, creativity, and community across fashion, sports, music, art, design & more.
