Close Friends


"Close Friends" with Mary Louise Daniel: Five questions exploring the artist's journey, influences, and creative process.

In this interview, we delve into the world of MARY LOUISE DANIEL, who share her inspirations and unique perspectives.

Mary Louise Daniel
Mary Louise Daniel

1. Introduce Yourself to the Casawi Community: What drives you? What's your artistic vision, and what sets you apart from the crowd?

Ciao, Casawi Community! I am Louise Daniel, a visual artist and multifaceted creative based in Paris. My artistic vision evolves with my desire to explore human extremes, influenced by the dark and the damned. I love drawing inspiration from everything related to the human experience, whether it’s maddening, edifying, or simply mundane. I do not wish to limit myself when it comes to growing as a creative. So, I prefer exposing myself to different forms of literature, including books of all kinds, music, cinema, and art—both from contemporary and classical masters.

I believe my Chinese-Filipino heritage also plays a significant role in my work, infusing a unique Southeast Asian perspective into my creations. I strive to bring that multidimensional attitude to my work, whether I’m behind the camera, styling a shoot, directing an art piece, or writing an article.

2. City Inspirations: How has your city influenced your artistic path? Share how its streets, culture, and energy have molded your work.

Manila - Milano - Paris
While the allure of Paris's culture deeply resonates with me, I find that multiple cities have and will continue to be my sources of inspiration. The artistic culture in Manila, Philippines continues to evolve in its own authentic way, highlighting the unique nuances of Filipino creativity. Manila’s charm is found in the old and the new. For that, my homeland will always be special. I also got a chance to live in Milano before moving to Paris. The city's rich Italian history and dynamic cultural energy play a significant role in my artistic endeavors. And of course, Paris is just one-of-a-kind in its own right. The city is a living, breathing canvas that teaches me something new every day. From the elegant architecture to the bustling fashion scene, this city persistently elevates my work.

3. Creative Process: What fuels your creativity? Whether it's a ritual, a muse, or a moment of clarity, we're keen to learn.

Every artist's creative process is uniquely their own. We learn from the world and vice-versa. I believe it is crucial to have that collaborative philosophy in developing one’s creative process. For me, my creativity is ignited by an eclectic blend of dark and light elements. Perfection does not intrigue me. Instead, I am drawn to the beauty found in distortion, the grotesque, the allure of asymmetry, and the charm of imperfection. My muse often emerges from organized chaos, where structure meets spontaneity, and beauty or impact is born from the unexpected. This delicate and organic balance fuels my artistic journey, leading to creations that are neither perfect nor conventional—but they convey a sense of intensity, a spark of emotion that evokes a visceral response. I hope my art provokes viewers to question their perspectives and the limits of their ideas. Through my visual art, I aim to create moments that challenge and resonate, leaving a lasting impact that goes beyond the work.

4. City Lifestyle and Art: How the places you lived influenced your career and work?

Living in different cities has profoundly shaped my career and work. Growing up in the Philippines, I was immersed in a culture rich with traditions and stories, which has given my work a unique depth and perspective. Moving to Paris exposed me to the global art scene and diverse cultural experiences, which broadened my horizons. It allowed me to blend Eastern and Western influences seamlessly in my work. Each city I've lived in has contributed to my growth as an artist, providing new challenges and inspiration.

5. Latest or Upcoming Projects: Give us a glimpse into your current endeavors and what lies ahead on your creative journey.

A lot is coming up but currently, I am working on a portrait series that delves into the transformative potential of symmetry. I'm also collaborating with a few fashion brands on upcoming editorials that merge avant-garde fashion with visual storytelling. Looking ahead, I'm excited to explore new mediums and possibly venture into more photography exhibits, bringing my vision to life. Stay tuned for more updates and join me on this creative journey!

For more insights into my work, feel free to follow me on Instagram @louislane7.

Mary Louise Daniel
Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Mary Louise Daniel
Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel
Courtesey of Mary Louise Daniel


Instagram: @louislane7 | @_____bylouis




Casawi Magazine: based in Milan, we celebrate youth culture, creativity, and community across fashion, sports, music, art, design & more.
