Close Friends


"Close Friends" with Nina Doll: Five questions exploring the artist's journey, influences, and creative process.

In this interview, we delve into the world of NINA DOLL, who share her inspirations and unique perspectives.

Nina Doll
Nina Doll

1. Introduce Yourself to the Casawi Community: What drives you? What's your artistic vision, and what sets you apart from the crowd?

Hi, My name is Nina. I am digital fashion designer and CGI artist based in Berlin. The base of my creative vision is about confusion, I love to mix physical real elements with computer generated ones to blur the lines between what we perceive as real or „unreal“. Even though the digital is also real and part of our every day life.

2. City Inspirations: How has your city influenced your artistic path? Share how its streets, culture, and energy have molded your work.

Berlin is this wild mix of everything. Just travelling to a different Kiez can make You feel like you are in another city. But what inspired me mostly are the people living here, there are so so many incredible artists working in different areas of art that live here or spent some time here. Looking at their work, chatting with them, collaborating is what fuels me.

3. Creative Process: What fuels your creativity? Whether it's a ritual, a muse, or a moment of clarity, we're keen to learn.

As I mentioned collaborating is a big part of my inspiration, you will never be able to know everything, mixing skills and aestehtic into one piece can bring the most beautiful output. Furthermore looking at other topics is what is really inspiring to me, reading a book that has nothing to do with art, learn a new skill that is not art related, getting out of your routine and comfort zone.

4. City Lifestyle and Art: How the places you lived influenced your career and work?

Definetly, I do believe that without noticing we get inspired by everything we see and witness. The city you live in takes up so much relevance and space in our everyday life that I could not NOT be inspired by it. This ranged from the architecture of Berlin to the night Outs to strolling on the flea market on a sunny sunday morning. I think ist the experiences and the connections you make within a city that really shape our career and work.

5. Latest or Upcoming Projects: Give us a glimpse into your current endeavors and what lies ahead on your creative journey.

I think the most exciting one currently is our collective „SBLMTN Studio“ that I launched at Berlin Fashion Week in February this year. I founded it together with Harriet Davey who is also a CGI Artist and Judith Bondy who is a physical fashion designer. We are currently all about exploring the possibilites of digital fashion within the physical fashion industry and how we can make digital fashion experienceable for everyone.

Nina Doll
Nina Doll
Nina Doll
Nina Doll
Nina Doll
Nina Doll
Nina Doll
Nina Doll

Instagram: @dollushka



Casawi Magazine: based in Milan, we celebrate youth culture, creativity, and community across fashion, sports, music, art, design & more.
